Master in Environmental, Energy and Transport Economics (EEET)

Master 2

Co-accredited by:

About the M2

The Master 2 Environment, Energy & Transport (EEET specialization) deals with all the economic and public policy issues raised by current ecological challenges, whether they are energy, food, agricultural, climatic or mobility-related. The training includes an analytical and prospective dimension based on modeling and data processing.

The M2 EEET includes five different specialization courses:

Sustainable Food Economy

Energy Economics

Economics of Transport and Mobility

Economics of Sustainable Development and the Environment

Prospective Modeling: Economy, Environment, Energy

Global issues, whether energy, food or environmental, require the mobilization of multiple knowledge and integrated approaches. Graduates must:

  • master economic theory and its applications to decision-making;
  • be immediately operational upon graduation, knowing how to set up data processing, statistical and econometric methods as well as the necessary IT resources;
  • understand political, economic and scientific issues and be familiar with recent developments in research;
  • have managerial knowledge (cost-benefit analysis, decision-making in uncertain situations, controversy management) as well as “soft skills” (knowledge of sectors, ability to debate on political issues, negotiation).

Fundamental courses with a focus on research provide the conceptual and theoretical elements to achieve these objectives. Thematic courses focusing on practical issues and their management in various sectors (new energies, water, forests, waste, agriculture, bioindustries, etc.) allow students to integrate different professional environments with the necessary perspective to exercise a management role.

M2 – Environmental, Energy and Transport Economics

Responsible for training

Jean-Christophe BUREAU
Lionel Ragot
Maia David


Pedagogical secretariat

Mon – Fri 9:00 – 17:00

Josette Kalombo

Internship and Master's Thesis

Who can apply for the M2 course?

It is possible to apply for admission to M1or directly to M2:

  • Students with an L3 level (or the equivalent of a bac +3) are invited to apply for entry to M1.
  • For students holding an M1, an engineering degree and students from higher education colleges, business schools or certain foreign diplomas, it is possible to apply for direct entry into M2.


French students or students from the bachelor’s degree course in France must apply through the national platform. Foreign students can apply through the platforms of the institutions co-accrediting the specialization.

Admission will be decided or refused by a jury taking into account several elements:

  • training and results obtained in economics, statistics, mathematics;
  • general scientific level ;
  • experience ;
  • motivation and personal project

The jury is sovereign and its decisions are final.

How does the EEET Master's degree work?

For the five courses of the Master 2 Environment, Energy & Transport (EEET specialization), the first semester is devoted to teaching and the second semester (April-September) to the internship which is accompanied by a master’s thesis.

The M2 EEET courses are made up of several categories of courses:

  • Harmonization courses
  • Fundamental courses
  • Methods courses
  • Thematic courses
  • Research training courses
  • Opening courses
  • Modern Languages

In total, students must validate 60 ECTS credits (36 ECTS for courses and 24 ECTS for the master’s thesis and its defense).

Many extra-curricular activities are planned, and are validated by ECTS credits.

Some courses are common to the five M2 courses, and it is sometimes possible to validate optional courses taken in other courses.

What about the internship and the Master's thesis?

A minimum of four months’ internship, but generally six months’, is mandatory to validate the M2 EEET. It takes place in the second semester (March-April to August-September). It can take place in companies, consulting firms, public institutions, research laboratories, start-ups, etc.

It gives rise to the writing of a master’s thesis, which is the subject of a defense. As an example, you will find the topics of the 2021-2022 dissertations here.

Internships abroad are possible and encouraged.

What skills are developed during the course?

The skills acquired at the end of the training include the ability to:

  • Conduct studies in sustainable development (environmental, social and economic aspects)
  • Conduct studies on corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Design quantitative studies on environmental issues
  • Manage and coordinate the progress of one or more studies in the environmental field
  • Analyze massive data, develop explanatory or predictive models and decision-making tools
  • Define the sustainable development policy, implement it and ensure the associated reporting
  • Study the environmental feasibility and desirability of projects and develop technical proposals
  • Define the methods, means of studies and design and their implementation
  • Drive environmental projects at local, departmental, regional, national, European level, and manage their implementation
  • Decline the decisions of the government, elected officials, etc. according to the environmental, social and economic context and local issues. Prioritize the projects to be implemented and determine their scope.
  • Model and quantify an economic phenomenon (econometrics, operational research, simulation methods)

How does learning work for this path?

The courses “Energy economics”, “Economics of sustainable development and the environment”, “Economics of sustainable food” and “Prospective Modeling

This concerns approximately 20 to 30 students each year.

Apprentices have arranged course periods and benefit from intensive monitoring by a teacher-tutor and an apprenticeship supervisor. They must also complete a master’s thesis. They have employee status during their studies.

Is the master's degree open to the international?

The teaching team is part of an international research network. Students of the Master 2 Environment, Energy & Transport actively participate in international programs in which several master’s theses are written each year (Horizon Europe, the European research framework program, in particular).

More generally, many students complete their M2 internship abroad, whether as part of internships in companies, on trade missions, in research laboratories, or international organizations (World Bank, International Food Policy Research Institute, International Institute for Applied Sciences Analysis, PIK, Food and Agriculture Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, United Nations Environment Program, etc.).

Every year, a few selected students continue their studies as part of a Ph.D (American doctoral program) in one of the foreign universities with which the EEET Master maintains a partnership.

Jointly supervised theses are also carried out in partnership between the doctoral schools linked to the EEET Master and European universities with which the research laboratories associated with the Master collaborate closely.